Home » GFC Annual Kit Launches

GFC Annual Kit Launches

Gorilla Kit Launches:

  • Budgeted and worked with designers on Gorilla FC Kits.

  • Developed a visual brand for the Gorilla FC.

  • Evolved from a single pin to a shirt and scarf.

  • Selectively merchandised the Gorilla FC name to members.

As Gorilla FC has grown, I have had to manage the yearly member kits. The first year consisted of a pin, but through budgeting and working with local vendors we have been able to consistently expand year after year. Our 2013 kit consisted of a unique T-shirt and scarf for our supporters.

Working with members who are also graphic designers has allowed me to make develop a visual brand for Gorilla FC and to ensure that all of our merchandise is consistent. Every item of clothing or accessory with the Gorilla FC logo must meet our incredibly high standards before we even consider printing it.




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